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idle funds [money] 【經濟學】游資。

Compact funds also known as unit trusts , investment refers to specialized institutions ( banks and enterprises ) jointly fund the establishment of a fund management companies , fund management companies and trustees as a client by signing the “ trust deed “ issued in the form of vouchers benefit - “ unitholders permit “ to raise the social idle funds 契約型基金又稱為單位信托基金,指專門的投資機構(銀行和企業)共同出資組建一家基金管理公司,基金管理公司作為委托人通過與受托人簽定“信托契約“的形式發行受益憑證- - “基金單位持有證“來募集社會上的閑散資金。

Moreover , the recent years “ development of futures market has provided valuable experience for launching stock index futures market . meanwhile a lot of experienced brokage companies and investors are cultivated during the process . investors group who have been in futures business and large amount of idle fund are the market basis for stock index futures transaction 另外我國期貨市場幾年來的發展也為推出股票指數期貨交易提供了寶貴的經驗,它培養了一大批經驗豐富的經紀公司管理者和投資者,已經從事期貨交易的投資者隊伍和大量閑散資金是開展股票指數期貨交易的市場基礎。

idle motion

The finance industry can meet the capital demands of new - type industrialization through invert the social deposits and idle funds into investments efficiently . the fast - cheap and variegated financial service and the advanced facilities and technology of the financial institutions will also supply more convenient conditions to the new - type industrialization 金融業能夠有效地將社會儲蓄和閑散資金轉化為投資以滿足新型工業化對資金的需求,金融機構提供的方便快捷而成本低廉的多樣化現代金融服務、先進設施和技術等都為促進新型工業化的發展提供了有利的條件。

Compact funds also known as unit trusts , investment refers to specialized institutions ( banks and enterprises ) jointly fund the establishment of a fund management companies , fund management companies and trustees as a client by signing the “ trust deed “ issued in the form of vouchers benefit - “ unitholders permit “ to raise the social idle funds 契約型基金又稱為單位信托基金,指專門的投資機構(銀行和企業)共同出資組建一家基金管理公司,基金管理公司作為委托人通過與受托人簽定“信托契約“的形式發行受益憑證- - “基金單位持有證“來募集社會上的閑散資金。

In the first half of 2001 , the special government of hongkong suggested that the mainland of china should set up the qualified domestic institutional investor mechanism in order to attract the idle fund of residents in the mainland of china to support the economy of hongkong which has been going downhill constantly since the asian financial crisis . what is called qualified domestic institutional investor mechanism 2001年上半年,香港特區政府提議內地設立認可本地機構投資者機制,以便吸引內地居民閑置資金支持自亞洲金融危機以來不斷走下坡路的香港經濟。所謂認可本地機構投資者機制( qualifieddomesticinstitutionalinvestor簡稱qdii ) ,就是在資本市場尚未完全開放的國家,容許本國居民和企業通過認可的本地非銀行金融機構投資境外資本市場。

In this case , international hot money and idle fund flow into our country in a large amount , gamble the appreciation expectancy of rmb , become of our country foreign exchange reserve with foreign currency account for main reason that fund rise fast in recent years 近年來,由于中國宏觀經濟的良好態勢,以及中國對外貿易的巨大順差,使人民幣面臨升值壓力。這種情況下,國際熱錢與游資大量流入我國境內,賭人民幣升值預期,成為近幾年我國外匯儲備和外匯占款快速上升的主要原因。

However , in bourgeoning developing countries and countries in transition , swiftly developing capital markets often deviate from the basis of economy , and are not able to fulfill the function of those in developed countries ; many capital markets are full of idle funds from home and abroad seeking profits , which accelerate the fluctuation and crisis of economy 但是,在新興的發展中國家與轉軌國家,蓬勃發展的資本市場卻經常脫離經濟的基本面,不能夠起到西方發達國家中資本市場的功能;許多資本市場成為了國內外游資逐利的場所,加劇了經濟金融的波動與危機。

Moreover , the recent years “ development of futures market has provided valuable experience for launching stock index futures market . meanwhile a lot of experienced brokage companies and investors are cultivated during the process . investors group who have been in futures business and large amount of idle fund are the market basis for stock index futures transaction 另外我國期貨市場幾年來的發展也為推出股票指數期貨交易提供了寶貴的經驗,它培養了一大批經驗豐富的經紀公司管理者和投資者,已經從事期貨交易的投資者隊伍和大量閑散資金是開展股票指數期貨交易的市場基礎。

One is financing , which means the funds is from owner to user , saving is converted into investing , and social and idle funds is transferred to producing . it could make it possible for enterprise ' s production and extend reproduction to become into a reality and develop economy . another function is allocation of resources , which guides the funds from the section of the low benefit to the high benefit to realize efficient allocation 證券市場最基本的功能有:一是籌資功能,即使資金從資金擁有者手中流向資金使用者,使儲蓄轉化為投資,實現社會閑置資金向生產領域的轉移,為企業的生產和擴大再生產創造條件,促進社會經濟的不斷增長;二是資源配置功能,即引導資金有效地由低效益的部門向高效益的部門流動,從而優化資源或生產要素的配置或提高其配置效率,即實現帕累托效率。

Limited partnership is a flexible investment which has the advantage of gathering the idle funds in the society , and it especially benefits the investors who have financial capability but can not responsible for the infinity liability 進而言之,這一合伙形式可以廣泛地聚集社會閑散資金,特別足對于具有資金實力,卻沒有精力或能力,或懼怕承擔無限連帶責任的投資者,有限合伙無疑是一種很好的、較為靈活的投資形式。

Funds for inter - bank lending should be restricted to those idle funds after fully paying the deposit reserve funds , standing funds and the due loans to the people ' s bank of china 拆出資金限于交足存款準備金、留足備付金和歸還中國人民銀行到期貸款之后的閑置資金。

Financing project financing , financing in the form of bonds and stocks , fund raising , idle funds , commercial lending , lending rate , grants , guarantor 融資項目貸款債券股票融資集資游資經常性貸款貸款利率贈款擔保人

Analysis of the possibility of rmb appreciation from the trend of international idle funds 從國際游資動向看人民幣的升值可能